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The Spokane Loppet
20 / 30 / 50km Ski Race


What's a Loppet, you ask? It's the Scandinavian term for a long-distance cross-country ski event that can be either recreational or competitive.


March 2, 2025


Mt. Spokane State Park Nordic Ski Area


Start times
50 km: 8:00 a.m.

Custom: 8:30 a.m.
30 km: 9:00 a.m.
20 km: 9:30 a.m.


Check-in at Selkirk Lodge 20-30 minutes prior to race start time.

Standard Courses
The standard course is made up of a 20k loop and a 10k loop. They are groomed for both classic and skate. 30k distance skiers will start with the 20k loop and finish with the 10k loop. 50k distance skiers will repeat the 20k loop and finish with the 10k loop. The aid station will be at Junction 7. If doing the 50k, you can come into the Selkirk Lodge to switch skis between loops (although it will add an extra kilometer to your distance).


Create Your Own Route
Over the years, various skiers have introduced distance challenges or suggested routes, but little has been done to document them and their fastest known times. This year, Loppet participants can pick their own routes and challenge their friends. If you send us your route before the race, we will document your time and offer the most popular new routes as options at next year's race. Just email your planned route to

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Course Closure Time
For safety reasons, we ask that all skiers be done skiing and exit the course through the finish line by 3:30 pm so we can record that you have finished and be sure you are safe.


Aid Station
There will be one aid station at Junction 7 stocked with energy food and water. You are advised to bring your own extra nutrition, hydration, and weather-appropriate clothing.


Timing will be done by cheering fans at the finish line.
Be sure to come through the finish line so you are tracked and we know you’re done and safe.


Registration Dates and Costs:

20k: $40 until Feb 28  |  $50 until March 1  |  $60 on race day

30k: $45 until Feb 28  |  $55 until March 1  |  $65 on race day

50k: $55 until Feb 28  |  $65 until March 1  |  $75 on race day

Custom: $55 until Feb 28  |  $65 until March 1  |  $75 on race day        



Besides the satisfaction of achieving your personal goals in the company of the best ski community in the Northwest, Everyone who registers by Midnight on Feb 15 gets an SNSA t-shirt to wear proudly throughout the year.


Proceeds benefit Spokane Nordic Ski Association programs, trail maintenance, and improvements.


*Online registration ends March 1 at 11:59 p.m.

*No guarantee of shirt after 11:59 pm, Feb 15.
*All registrations are final and non-refundable.




Not into the long ski? VOLUNTEER!

You'll have loads of fun and help make the day a success.

View the slots needed and sign up below!

Download course map pdf via link at top of page.


SNSA and Spokane's Nordic Skiing Community appreciate your support!

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2020 Loppet Recap

103 skiers took part in what we think was the 26th running of the Spokane Nordic Challenge Loppet on Mt. Spokane... another celebration of the end of the ski season on what turned out to be a near-perfect ski day!

Participants from ages 9 to 71 and as far away as Salt Lake City skied 20, 30 or 50k, then were rewarded with a 3-soup feast in the Lodge prepared by Nora Graebner. The aid station was staffed by 5 members of the Nordic Rangers group, who camped overnight with their dads. Sam Schlieder once again marked and took down the course. Phenomenally, 29 volunteers stepped up to fill every single volunteer spot!


Huge thanks to sponsors Fitness Fanatics for funding the meal, Hammer Nutrition for energy food and hydration, and IEP for use of the trails. Many, many thanks to State Parks for partnering with Spokane Nordic on all programs and events and providing the services needed to keep the Nordic ski area running.

© 2024 Spokane Nordic Ski Association, PO Box 501, Spokane, WA  99210

Website & Communications Management by Karma Cultivate

Logo design donated by Lars Huschke,

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