If you have misplaced gear up at the Mt. Spokane Cross-Country Ski Park, or it just disappeared -- or if you accidentally brought home something that wasn't yours at the beginning of the day (it happens to the best of us) -- post it here. Send an email to info@spokanenordic.org and provide title for listing (5 words or less); when it happened; contact email; and other information you feel important. Cancellation of listings is also done by emailing info@spokanenordic.org.
Send no more than 2 photos per listing
Keep photos to 300KB or less
Horizontal photos work best. Vertical photos will be automatically trimmed.
For best results, do not edit the dimensions (aspect ratio) of the photo.
*NOTE: Items left in the Selkirk Lodge are frequently left in the lost and found box.
LOST: Fischer classic race skis
David Miner: 2069201488 dwminer@hotmail.com
Fischer classic race skis, last seen at the JNQ
The skis are an older model and, if memory serves, a 176cm, though possibly a few centimeters shorter. They may have been accompanied by a pair of Swix poles.
LOST: Men’s Skies and poles
509-981-0204 or 509-290-3286. Please leave a message as we don’t answer unknown calls. Or Andrew@thebridgespokanne.com
2/26/2022 - went into the lodge for 5 minutes or less. Rosignol skis and poles gone when we came back. Please return. New to skiing!
LOST: Ski Boots
Todd at 208-301-8634
brand new ski boots in Selkirk lodge the weekend of January 8th. They are black and a size 12 or 13
LOST: Ski Goggles
Dropped ski goggles near lodge bar entrance on ski racks. 1/15
Lost: Apple Airpods
Adrien Mulawka: 505-280-9066
Likely lost in the parking lot by Selkirk. It has part of a green sticker mostly rubbed off on one side.