Mt. Spokane Nordic Cup (JNQ)
*** The JNQ Returns Saturday and Sunday, February 16-17, 2019***
More info and registration coming soon!
2018 Junior National Qualifier Recap
January 13-14, 2018 | Mt. Spokane Cross-Country Ski Park
The Spokane Nordic Ski Association (SNSA) organizing committee, Race Team and Transition teams completed a hugely successful Junior National Qualifier(JNQ) event February 13th & 14th, 2018. We had 140 racers from Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Visiting coaches told us often: “You guys put on a great event!”
The mission of the Race Team & Transition Team is to provide youth a fun and active winter activity that drives perseverance, acceptance, and camaraderie. This mission was completely fulfilled prior, during, and after this great event, and could not have happened without our sponsors' generous support.
See photos of the event on the Photo Gallery Page.
Thanks again to all of our generous sponsors who made the Spokane Nordic Ski Team season so strong.