A Virtual Competition with Tons of Prizes
February 1-28, 2024
Since 2020, SNSA has held this virtual fundraiser all February-long. In this event, participants gather donations from their friends and family and compete to ski the furthest distance throughout the month.
All of the money raised by this event goes directly toward SNSA's youth programs. These programs include Nordic Kids, Transition Team, and the SNSA Race Team. These programs service kids between 5 and 18 years old.
Where the Money Goes
Any desirable prizes! There are separate divisions for children and adults so a wide variety of donated goods or services could appeal to participants. Anything from gift cards to getaways to excess merchandise - this event is only made possible through non-monetary donations from sponsors.
Non-Monetary Needs
Our previous Ski-A-Thon's have had 30-40 participants, but each of them reaches out to an average of 10-20 donors. SNSA also advertises this event to another 4,000-5,000 locals.
Who the Event Reaches
If it's easier for your business to donate goods or services, this is the event for you. Donating even a few modest prizes can motivate participants to raise thousands of dollars of donations that are put directly into SNSA's youth programs.
Reasons to Sponsor This Event
Beyond all of the general advertising mentioned above, if the goods you donate include your logo, your brand recognition will spread region-wide when participants wear your gear to school, on the mountain, or anywhere else.
Associated Publicity
This event is a critical fundraiser for SNSA. Without the support of sponsors, the cost of the prizes for participants cuts significantly into the event's earnings.
Community Benefits
Email info@spokanenordic.org if you'd like to sponsor this event!